as you may have heard, yahoo! 360 which was leaked early was released into beta this week. i got an invite a couple days ago and recently started messing around with it.
my first impressions are favorable. first, they are not being stingy with invites -- unless my account is special, accounts get 100 invites to send out. secondly, unlike linkedin you don't have to jump through silly hoops to "connect" with another user and you can limit access to information for up to 3-degrees away from you. in my case that means kevin bacon won't see jack about me, but friend and friends of friends and even friends of friends of friends can see bits and pieces. cool beans.
some quick things i like and don't like so far...
i get a thought in my head, let it rattle around a bit and then find myself questioning whether it is worth the troubles it could cause. it's not even serious stuff most of the time, just little thoughts here and there and seem to just want to get out. sitting here now, i honestly couldn't give more than a handful of examples -- they were clearly fleeting thoughts -- unimportant, yet somehow seemed worthy to write at the time. perhaps for the best.
i wonder if science can explain it? if not it can be added to the list of things it currently can't explain. slip it in right after the pioneer anomoly.
now i can explain why flickr is cool. things like this tag browser. these guys rock! warning, if you like pictures and navigating with tags, don't click that link. :)
you are either...
saturday held an escape from the normal routine. finding ourselves in santa cruz for a lacrosse game later led us to the santa cruz beach boardwalk for lunch and an opportunity to enjoy the ocean.
the water was cold, very cold, but some time away at the beach was good for all. before long, i found myself out in the surf, camera phone in hand, snapping literally hundreds of pictures of the waves, but like i am with most things i have chosen to share but a few.
ships that pass in the night, and speak each other in passing,
only a signal shown, and a distant voice in the darkness.
so on the ocean of life we pass and speak one another.
only a look and a voice; then darkness again and a silence.
-- henry wadsworth longfellow
the day has passed and my hope is that it provides a lasting memory to those that shared the experience with me.
i awoke this morning trembling nervously on the inside and senses in what i can only describe as a hyper-sensitive state. sounds were strangely loud and clear. colors vibrant, light brighter than usual coming at me in waves. the sweet scent of orange juice from the cup on my nightstand was as strong as when i gulped down the last drops hours before.
my senses have settled back to normal; however throughout the day i continue to get periods of nervousness for no apparent reason. while not debilitating, it has definitely been an unwanted distraction. if my ears were burning i would simply assume someone is talking about me, but these spidey-like senses leave me thinking wtf.
there is a bit of a joke about beginnings and ends around here, it started when we had french bread with dinner one night and my daughter asked for another piece. i put on her plate what most people would call "the end piece" and she wasn't pleased. "i don't want the end", she said defiantly. i thought for a moment, took the piece back and grabbed the other "end piece" and put it on her plate. "there. now you have the beginning."
beginnings and endings are all a matter of perspective -- what you see totally depends on how you look at them. i try my best to keep that in mind as time pushes on and when i only see ends coming towards my plate. success will be a matter of seeing what is not there yet.
At the tone, the time will be 1111111111
for the non-geeks in the crowd, time on unix systems (which includes apple os/x) is measured in seconds since 1/1/1970. today at 17:58 and 31 seconds (PST), that number will be 1111111111.
another meaningless post brought to you by yours truly. not interesting enough, then go do some brain teasers over at braingle.
yay google! they have just centralized their open-source projects and api's making it far easier to find things. see
there are no excuses. it spewed out of me exactly how it felt at that second and at least for the moment i'll pretend that's a good thing. a release.
outbursts like that for me are very rare. anger and frustration got the best of me and i am sorry i expressed myself that way. it is hardly the worst thing i've done in my life, but it was wrong regardless of how i feel about things.there are moments in time that i just want to jab a knife right between your eyes. times where i hate you more than any person on earth.
the links are coming, the links are coming....
ok, that was silly, but afterall i am often a silly person. i've run across yet a number of other things i wanted to share. my audience may not be large, but i'll justify it by knowing it improves the google page rank for these things... yeah, that's the ticket.
i had seen articles popping up in my aggregator regarding aol changing the "terms of service" for using aim. i kept over looking them figuring i would eventually follow-up, but they kept coming. so today i read this article on thrashing through cyberspace which quoted part of the tos.
if you use aim, either follow the link above or jump to any number of other "tech sites" where this issue is being discussed. in an effort to put a positive spin on the whole thing -- this might give jabber and similar technologies the boost they need to put aim to rest. microsoft and yahoo! must be lovin' it... it makes their respective products look better. i'm wondering if this becomes a good time for google to jump into the fray... to go with their voip product of course. heh.
oh yes, word association time again. like pi, it may never end...
this picture was found over at that is one big burger and why on earth is this guy wearing a helmet? i think the picture is much funnier that way, but still...
an idaho highschool student has admitted to providing semen-frosted brownies to a student to get back at him for a prank played on him earlier that was also food related. of course movies factor into the equation as 17-year-old got the idea from the film van wilder.
what they don't explain is how the fellow student and friends he shared them with found out. i'm sure uncontrolled giggles from the perpetrator and perhaps some bragging factored into it, but i have this silly vision in my head of these three kids sitting around the lunchroom table and the following conversation ensues..."
does this taste funny to you?
yeah... this does taste a little funny.
hmmm, i think i know what it tastes like...
really? what?
hold on, i'm thinkin'
[rolls eyes] let me know when it comes to you...
that's it!
what's it?
cum! it tastes like cum
dude, i don't know if i want to throw up now or how the hell you would know that.
in tangential news, it has been reported that it is believed a single protein has been identified as being in control of the final factor in causing pregnancy. if proven, it can be a huge win in additional contraceptive measures including an effect male pill. funny how i saw both of these articles today and just minutes apart.
ottmar liebert has begun to release his 2005 touring schedule. i have missed seeing him several times for a variety of reasons. one time was because i didn't learn about the added date until it was too late, but that shouldn't happen again. his tour schedule is now via an rss feed. it isn't quite worthy of a snoopy dance, but i'm pleased all the same.
in honor of this, i have added a tune of his called "barcelona nights" to my radio blog over on the right. ac out. *snicker*
oh... just some links.
someone pissed in this teacher's wheaties if you ask me. a student apparently took a video of a teacher getting upset with a student. in today's pc society, he definitely crossed the line. end result however -- teacher remains in the classroom (punishment if any unknown) and the student that filmed this was suspended for 10-days.
now i can appreciate that students should not be using cell phones to chat, take pictures/videos and what have you; however, to suspend a student for doing this when it clearly did not disrupt his studies ... thats nuts. give the kid detention and if occurs again ramp up the punishment. what? are teachers afraid others will see what is going on in their classrooms? it's not like the kid was filming up-skirts or something -- which would warrant a significant suspension if not expulsion.
before i get bogged down in code today, i stumbled across some memes i haven't take yet. one, thankfully, acknowledges that i am indeed a male seeing as a past meme said i write like a girl. for those interested, it is all tucked away in the extended entry.
Your Brain is 20.00% Female, 80.00% Male |
You've got the brain of a manly man Feelings, schmeelings... tears aren't for you. You could break both legs and not get misty eyed. A great problem solver, nothing ever phases you. |
You Belong in 1968 |
You Are 45% Left Brained, 55% Right Brained |
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports. |
so i'm listening to npr this morning as i shuttle kids to/from school and they are talking about a current supreme court case which involves the state of texas having the ten commandments essentially posted in government buildings. the argument is whether they (the commandments) have both religious and secular significance and therefore should remain. if it is deemed to be soley religious, it presumably will have to be removed.
what i found particularly amusing is one of the speakers who was obviously in favor of having the commandments posted went on and on about how people didn't have to look at them. how them being there didn't make people do anything good or bad. and finally that clearly at least a significant number of texans support them being there.
the first thought that came to my mind was the bru-ha-ha years ago about a confederate flag being flown over the georgia (or south carolina) state capitol building. this same argument didn't hold water then, it will be interesting to see if it does so now. the conspiracy theorist in me notes that bush is still in office and he is from texas. if the supreme court lets them keep it, i shudder to think where the ten commandments and other religious documents will be tacked up next. the next battle, will be which version of the ten commandments will be supported by the governments.
which all brings me to another thought. reading the commandments can be quite amusing ya know. for example in #2 it is stated "for I the Lord thy G*d am a jealous G*d". Hmmm, if g*d is infallible, does that make jealousy a good thing? or does that make g*d not all good? i tend to link jealousy and envy together -- and envy is one of the seven deadly sins. well, since i am certainly fallible, i guess that could be a bad association.
then there is #3 " for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain." and all i have to say is ... so much for forgiveness eh?
oh... i'll stop there. before i get myself into trouble.
my songs have not be updated in a very long time. tonight, i decided to wipe out what i have there and load up some different tunes -- starting with eight for good luck. i suspect few have heard each and every one -- click on the headphones in the upper right and have a listen.
for those curious, previously on the playlist where:
it is hard to believe march is already here. and 2005 no less. that could explain why i'm so tired. given my home and work frustration levels right now i'll avoid ranting about them and provide a small list of interesting links. i haven't done that in a while.