the "bad things" are greatly outweighing the "good things" things today and i'm left feeling like a total goof. lest it seem otherwise, by "bad things" i really mean along the level of annoyances versus anything particularly serious.
i can't take credit for this post or even the subject line as i've simply ripped this right off the page of heads or tales and reproduced it here. i was going to just take a snippet and link to it, but i think it needs to be kept intact. this is the original of what is below.
On one side, you have the meaty, hearty strip on one side and the other you find the delicate and delicious filet. They share the T bone in addition to being bound by the other connective tissues, but they are still separate, much like two married people. In marriage, the T bone and tissues represent the bonds that they share; the things that tie the strip of a spouse to his or her filet of a spouse.
Life, including the inherent financial problems, represent the grill and it's heat. When you place marriage on life, you have to constantly watch it, ensuring to take care with marriage so it doesn't get burned up. Like with the flame, keeping the money situation divided equally and under control will keep one of the two members from being overdone while the other is still raw. In a steak, that equates to four minutes on side, turning the steak 45 degrees halfway in between. In marriage, you need to keep the communication constant and open, making adjustments to ensure you're both together, exactly where you need to be in life.
Never ever forget to check to see how you're really doing. In a porterhouse, when a thermometer is placed in the center of each portion, the temperature should register at 155-160 to achieve a nice medium consistency. In marriage, you need to ASK how the other person is doing: That is your thermometer, your method of probing and discovering just what the other person needs. Sometimes, people don't always express everything they want in life. It takes work on YOUR part to make those discoveries.
A baked potato, like children, will not make a bad porterhouse a good porterhouse. It will simply be a bitter, half cooked porterhouse, which only fucks up the baked potato, no matter how resilient you believe potatoes are.
A porterhouse is a big piece of meat. Believing you can have a porterhouse with another filet on the side is a bad idea in practice, but yes, it does sound delicious. It's better just to sit back and be entertained watching someone deal with that much meat.
Taking someone else's filet away from them could end up with your own meat being turned into hamburger.
Two strip steaks together just seems wrong, but oddly, two filets seem to be quite lovely. Judging from the number of places that show two filets on the menu, it would seem many people feel the same way. Experiment if you so wish.
And finally, when you find yourself in the market for a filet to compliment your strip or vice versa, be careful you pick the right cut and not something that simply looks good.
Until we meat again...
i'm a filet mignon guy myself -- medium or medium rare depending on your perspective of what is medium or not. and mushrooms. must have those! so i wonder where the fungi (pun intended) fits in. and what about the bacon?
oh, nevermind. i could get far to silly with this one.
for less than $300,000 you can have your own island fort. if i were in the uk, this would be so tempting! i'd just have to figure out how to get power, sewage and internet access there ... not necessarily in that order.
update: seems there are some pictures available -- here and here.
i didn't plan to post anything else today, but then this entry from boing boing caught my eye and i just had to link to it.
scientists report that parts of a woman's brain switch off when she has an orgasm...i can just see the wave of jokes from both sides crashing in right now.
i'm quoting a frenchman... whodofthunkit?!?
when we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere.
-- francois de la rochefoucauld
word association time again...
...come to an end. a friend of mine called to tell me that our saturday night hockey league was dropped and that he accepted an offer on his property and the rink would be closed by the end of the month. on the one hand i am happy that he will make a tidy profit on the real estate and get out of a business that has been stressfully teetering on the break-even point of late. i'm happy for him. really. but down inside i'm still sad at its passing and wonder when/if i'll be playing hockey again, much less having as much fun.
so i'm driving home around 9pm last night and the radio station i was listening to was interupted with one of those emergency broadcasting system alerts.
wtf? i kept waiting for the dj to say this was some sort of funny ad or joke. he never did. once back, i asked around to see if anybody else heard the warning. all answers were "no". it has to be a joke that i just wasn't catching. sometimes i get the subtle hints/jokes, other times they go right past me and i feel like a dope afterwards. this time; however, it was apparently real and i guess i was there to hear tsunami bulletin number 001. cool. oh, and no abnormally large waves hit the coast. almost disappointing. for those that want to track waves, there is the norcal buoy data page....A TSUNAMI WARNING IS IN EFFECT FOR THE COASTAL AREAS FROM THE CALIFORNIA-MEXICO BORDER TO THE NORTH TIP OF VANCOUVER I.-BC. INCLUSIVE...
noaa link
sunburned from being outside for commencement exercises, i'd have felt a little better about it had steve jobs done the address like he did over at stanford. he left the students with a few things to think about. steve jobs commencement address.
and now a little rant...
apparently some guy took some pictures of president george bush and various guns and did an image mash-up. big deal? apparently somebody thought so and informed the secret service.
the images were on flickr and have apparently been removed. having read the account in the blog of the guy who make the pictures i'm left shaking my head. crap like this simply reinforces the "big brother" or "police state" the current administration seems to be bent on moving us to. don't get me wrong -- if someone threatens the life of the president (including gwb) i think the secret service absolutely has to follow up and take it seriously. now is putting bush and a gun in the same picture really a threat? since the images aren' there, maybe there were captions that implied something, but it just doesn't sound that way.
hopefully we aren't waving bye-bye to our freedom of speech so soon...
of late i have spent a lot more time watching television than normal. partly, i suppose, is because there have been a few more quality shows on broadcast television:
ok, i'll use this entry to throw out the movies i've seen recently...
i still have aviator checked out, but at 3 hours, i have no idea when i'm going to watch it. eventually i'm sure.
word association... 'nuf said for this week!
ok, sometimes i get obsessive about things -- and yes, that is "music alphabet game" spelled backwards. so as you'd guess, it is like the previous post, just backwards. sadly, some songs are left unchanged.
character | song | band | album |
- | -1 | Mudvayne | L.D. 50 |
# | #41 | Dave Matthews Band | Crash |
( | (You Drive Me) Crazy | Richard Cheese | Tuxicity |
. | ...Slowdance On The Inside | Taking Back Sunday | Where You Want To Be... |
[ | [Untitled Hidden Track] | Korn | Untouchables |
1 | 19th Nervous Breakdown | The Rolling Stones | Forty Licks |
2 | 29 | Gin Blossoms | New Miserable Experience |
3 | 3x5 | John Mayer | Any Given Thursday |
4 | 4th of July | Soundgarden | SuperUnknown |
5 | 5th Symphony (Techno Remix) | Unknown | |
6 | 6th Avenue Heartache | Wallflowers | Bringing Down the Horse |
7 | 742617000027 | Slipknot | Slipknot |
8 | 86 | Green Day | Insomniac |
9 | 99 to Life | Social Distortion | Somewhere Between Heavan and Hell |
A | Aye Davanita | Pearl Jam | Vitalogy |
B | Bye, Bye Baby | Janis Joplin | 18 Essential Songs |
C | Cygmus... Visumnd Cygmus | The Mars Volta | Frances the Mute |
D | Dying | Hole | Celebrity Skin |
E | Ezekiel (Dialog) | Samuel L. Jackson | Pulp Fiction Soundtrack |
F | Fx | Black Sabbath | Vol. 4 |
G | Gypsy Wedding | NovaMenco | Gypsy Fusion |
H | Hysteria | Def Lepard | Best of Def Lepard |
I | Izzat Love | Todd Rundgren | Todd |
J | Justice Tonight - Kick it Over | The Clash | Super Black Market Clash |
K | Kyrie | Mr. Mister | Billboard Top Hits: 1986 |
L | Lysergik Funeral Procession | Down | Down II |
M | Myxamatosis | Radiohead | Hail to the Thief |
N | Nyah | Hans Zimmer, Heitor Pereira | MI-2 Soundtrack |
O | Ozone Baby | Led Zepplin | Coda |
P | Pyramid Song | Radiohead | Amnesiac |
Q | Quiet | Smashing Pumpkins | Siamese Dreams |
R | Rx Queen | Deftones | White Pony |
S | Syncronicity II | The Police | Message in a Bottle Boxed Set (Disk 4) |
T | Typical Situation | Dave Matthews Band | Under The Table And Dreaming |
U | Useless Begging | Todd Rundgren | Todd |
V | Vodo Chile | Stevie Ray Vaughn | Live Alive |
W | Wrote a Song for Everyone | Creedence Clearwater Revival | Chronical, Vol 2 |
X | XYU | Smashing Pumpkins | Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness |
Y | YYZ | Rush | Moving Pictures |
Z | Zwitter | Rammstein | Mutter |
this meme done forwards can be found in my music alphabet meme post earlier.
so there seems to be a meme going around (first seen at asv) where you take your iTunes library , sort the titles, and post the first entry for each letter, number, and character. i can do that. answers are based on my library as it is today -- 9446 songs which supposedly would play for 27.5 days and uses 43.27GB of disk.
character | song | band | album |
- | -1 | Mudvayne | L.D. 50 |
# | #34 | Dave Matthews Band | Under The Table and Dreaming |
( | (-) ions | Tool | Aenima |
. | ...And Justice for All | Metallica | ...And Justice for All |
[ | [Hidden Track] | Marilyn Manson | Smells Like Children |
1 | 1-2 Crush on You | The Clash | Super Black Market Crash |
2 | 2 + 2 = 5 | Radiohead | Hail to the Thief |
3 | 3A.M. | Matchbox-20 | You or Someone Like You |
4 | 4 out of 5 | Soul Coughing | Irresistible Bliss |
5 | 5th Symphony (Techno Remix) | Unknown | |
6 | 69 Tea | Seether | Disclaimer II |
7 | 7 | Moby | Play |
8 | 80 | Green Day | Kerplunk |
9 | 99 Luftballons | Richard Cheese | I'd Like a Virgin |
A | A Big Hunk O' Love | Elvis Presley | The Number One Hits |
B | B Minor Jam | Eric Clapton | 461 Ocean Boulevard |
C | C'est La Vie | Shania Twain | Up! |
D | D'yer Mak'er | Led Zepplin | Houses of the Holy |
E | E-Mac (Interlude) | Outkast | Speakerboxxx |
F | F-Stop Blues | Jack Johnson | Brushfire Fairytales |
G | Galapogos | Smashing Pumpkins | Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness |
H | H. | Tool | Aenima |
I | I'd Die for You | Bon Jovi | Slippery When Wet |
J | J'fait Une Promesse | Anathema | Resonance |
K | K-Jee | M.F.S.B. | Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack |
L | L'cho Fusill | Vladamir Vissotski | Le Vol Arrete |
M | M.I.A. | Foo Fighters | There is Nothing to Lose |
N | N.I.B. | Black Sabbath | Black Sabbath |
O | O Girlfriend | Weezer | Weezer (Green Album |
P | Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box | Radiohead | Amnesiac |
Q | Quasimodo | Lifehouse | No Name Face |
R | Radiance | Anthema | Eternity |
S | S.O.S. | Abba | The Best of Abba |
T | T.B.D | Live | Throwing Copper |
U | U-Mass | Pixies | Best of Pixies |
V | Valentine's Day | Marilyn Manson | Holy Wood |
W | W.M.A | Pearl Jam | Vs |
X | X-Girlfriend | Bush | Sixteen Stone |
Y | Yairo | Lunascape | Reflecting Seylence |
Z | Zak and Sara | Ben Folds Five | Ben Folds Live |
maybe later do the last song for each letter, number, character....
update: done
can you believe i'm still doing word association? there is just something about it.
the foo fighters new cd
in your honor is due out in just a little less than two weeks (6/14). i have
had a copy on pre-order via amazon for at least a month, but recently had the opportunity to listen to an advance copy.
read on to get my overall thoughts and a tune-by-tune breakdown of the foo fighters latest offering.
at first listen, frankly, i was a little disappointed. i'll chalk that up to unrealistic expectations especially since dave grohl himself has touted the title that should be to the foo's what physical graffiti was for led zepplin. but this cd is growing on me ... fast. the more you listen to the lyrics, the more you get from the tracks. the more you feel the music. it is subtle. it is complex. and at time same time so simple. better than one by one? different for sure, but better? we'll see.
i really like the seperation of their acoustic/ballads onto a second cd which really shows the range of dave grohl and the foo's. all in all, this two-cd set will be a success, and i don't for a second regret making the purchase and will continue to follow grohl's music where ever that leads.
CD #1 (Rock)
i went down and i fell, i fell so fastand if you aren't paying special attention, the tune flows smoothly into the next track.
dropping like a grain in an hour glass
never say forever 'cause nothing lasts
dancing with the bones of my very past
never mind there's nothing I could do
bet your life there's something killing you.
It's a shame we have to die my dear
No-one's getting out of here alive
CD #2 (Acoustic)
Patience my deari can see this track being used in a movie -- something like "united states of leland" or alike. i like the ending and find myself wanting to tell dave to hang in there, everything will be alright.
We could spend a lifetime waiting here
Maybe this time
I hope I get the chance to say goodbye
Sweet and divine, Razor of mine
Sweet and divine, Razor of mine
the acoustic cd had its weak points, but all in all -- from a alternative/grunge/rock band -- its a hit. time will tell if this becomes the album they are remembered for. in the mean time i'm going to just sit and enjoy their work. now where are my headphones?
still struggling with the days, but i did run into an amusing little flash game that tests your reaction time. essentially some sheep line up and five try to escape. you have to click a button when you see one make a run for it and the game measures your reaction time, averages the five scores and tells you the average and calls you a name. with an average time of 0.222 i was dubbed a bobbing bobcat which quite honestly doesn't sit well with me.