December 31, 2004

Set An Example

read over on mark cuban's blog:

Could there be anything more confusing and shocking than to read that our country was offering $35mm in aid to the areas affected by the Tsunamis, but that the cost of inauguration parties would be about $40mm?

the irony of that just kills me. so george -- WWJD? party at the mount, be there at 4:20, right george? *sigh*

update: i could have so predicted how bush would fix this one -- we're now sending $350mm (which is good). honestly gw, you'd have gotten far more respect if you'd use your influence and encourage people to divert some of the party funds (in addition to upping the u.s. ante) to go help people that really could use it right now. how can you expect us to sacrafice as a nation when you are unwilling to do it yourself? some leader you are. i won't say anyone else would have done better, but we clearly see (and did before, imho) where you stand. this would have been such a great opportunity for you to shine and you missed it. a bigger missed opportunity than i think you realize...

Posted by ac at 01:20 PM | Comment

December 30, 2004

Bigger Than The Whole

while listening to npr this morning -- coincidently being slothful and listening to an interview with an author on a book about sloth -- i was reminded about how quotes are often incomplete for those of us lacking attention. the thought carpe diem while standing fine on it's own is part of a much greater thought.

the original ode from horace...

ut melius, quicquid erit, pati, seu pluris hiemes seu tribuit Iuppiter ultimam, quae nunc oppositis debilitat pumicibus mare Tyrrhenum: sapias, uina liques, et spatio breui spem longam reseces. dum loquimur, fugerit inuida aetas: carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.
translates to
How much better it is to accept whatever shall be, whether Jupiter has given many more winters or whether this is the last one, which now breaks the force of the Tuscan sea against the facing cliffs. Be wise, strain the wine, and trim distant hope within short limits. While we're talking, grudging time will already have fled: seize the day, trusting as little as possible in tomorrow.
well said horace. well said. it's a shame the rest is so obscure.

Posted by ac at 02:39 PM | Comment

December 29, 2004

Giftmas Booty

i hope that everyone had a good giftmas. posting links to goodies i wanted paid off this year and i must admit that i also got a couple unexpected ones as well. that is very unusual.

actually, i got nearly everything from my list. i feel rather spoiled about that. i didn't get the iPod speakers and mind hacks is on order, but i got all the rest or something close to it. i am only half way through it, but i highly recommend paul graham's essays in hackers and painters. when finished, i'll likely write a review.

things gotten that were not on my list that got:

i like getting gifts, but not nearly as much as i like giving them, particularly when i find something that truely inspired me. you know, that gift that you see and think, "oh, that would be perfect for so-and-so". a gift that wasn't on their list, nothing they had mentioned... just something that spoke to you and makes you think of someone specific. this year i found a print on-line that immediately made me think of my daughter. i knew it at first glance. i put it in an appropriate frame and included a copy of sylvia plath's the bell jar. the picture is now prominently placed in her room and she has devoured the book and loved it. i knew she would and i am so pleased. i like my gifts, but this was a case where the gift of giving felt far better.

Posted by ac at 10:08 PM | Comment

Don't Read This

i was asked in private regarding some rather disparaging comments left on this weblog not so long ago, which i ultimately removed. while they were filled with some remarks i'd just as soon forget, that along with someone going and reading nearly all my archives rekindled a thought i had for a post -- what are the rules for writing, reading, and commenting? my thoughts on the matter are pretty simple.

in a sentence, write what you can bare. there is a lot wrapped up in that statement, but essentially i mean you should feel free to write anything you want while keeping in mind there are consequences to what you say. assuming your blog is like most (public) assume anyone/everyone can or will read it at some point. saying nasty things about co-workers, family, or the like may eventually get to them. and don't think that deleting/changing it makes it go away entirely -- google cache and a variety of index/archive services have caught more than their fair share of removed posts.

rules for reading? sounds sort of funny doesn't it given the nature of blogging? my general feeling is if someone doesn't want itread they shouldn't post it publically. the ability to have a private (member's only) weblog have been available for some time. some allow seperate public and private views which can allow your readers to sample your content and apply for membership to get the rest. the onus, frankly is up to the writer to decide whether they want to be public or not. it's "either or", not "yeah, but".

now here we have an interesting case as this is a person writing to someone else's blog. to some degree i think of this much as i do reading -- the owner has the choice to allow (or not) comments and often to either moderate or restrict it in some way; however, in this case i think there are lines most/all can agree on. for example, comment spam is wrong. period. ideally comments should be on-topic or at least be in the vein of "if you don't have something nice to say..."

this can sometimes be difficult due to a lack of context or common understanding -- aka people can/will take things the wrong way sometimes as well as things don't always come out the way they were intended. now lest it seem otherwise, healthy discourse does not exclude disagreements, but there is little value in personal attacks and of course we must all remember godwin's law. some blogs will have additional rules listed for commenting. follow them.

now i must admit, whomever was coming via an DSL connection recently and took the time to read so many of my archives -- i am very curious who you are. hint: email me, leave a comment with a link to your blog, whatever.

Posted by ac at 09:33 PM | Comments (2)

You Need Reasons?

well, i can give you over 60,000 of them (and counting).

CNL matches the challenge as have i and if this charity isn't to your liking you can find a number of them at the command post.

note to charities: consider taking paypal!

Posted by ac at 12:10 PM | Comment

December 28, 2004

Rubberband Man

for reasons i simply do not understand, i woke up this morning and remembered something a therapist said about relationships being like a rubberband and how to be healthy they always needed a little bit of tension. weird. then i remained in bed for far too long trying to draw an analogy to where i am today. images of old elastic came to mind. you know, the sort that you stretch out and it is so brittle that you pull it but it never snaps back. simply weird.

eventually i got up and managed to try and work. nothing worth while got done. not even any of the simple things on my list. but i did come across some interesting things on-line. heh.

  • magnetic ribbons -- those damn things seem to be everywhere now. follow the link and you can make your own. heh.
  • i then found a good article and response of helpful css tips.
  • seeing as i've really been into music lately, it was delightful to see a collection of math and science songs. think of it as advanced schoolhouse rock.
  • speaking of songs, i ran across this likely to be NSFW rap tune about titties. it's repetitive, but has some quite funny parts for low-quality flash.
  • to end on a more respectable note -- best 46 free utilities for your windows box.

Posted by ac at 11:32 PM | Comment

December 26, 2004

Wild Cows

i've been asked to do a little bit of hiking this off-week between christmas and new year's day and while i'm not sure if i'll make the trek, it did get me to thinking about our bovine friends. making me chuckle even more than the thoughts of that wild cow we named simon cowly was an ubersite post entitled badass australian cows -- a soon to be classic post if i've ever seen one.

i find the story quite funny because i can distinctly recall back in the day when a number of us would travel over to blacksburg va to visit friends (we can call them that now) who decided to attend that other university. after consuming far too much in the way of beer and assorted alcohol we, too, ran off to do goofy if not downright stupid things. oh yes, the guys and gals of delta-killa-keg would actually go cow tipping.

admittedly, more often than not everyone would hang out near the fence giving the infamous "you go, and then i'll go" line with little pushes and nudges trying to get the foolishness started. in hindsight, it had already started we just weren't sober enough to realize that. eventually somebody would make the first move and try to move the beasts. a cow would moo and everyone would be startled initially and then break out into a fit of snickering. everyone except the cow, which was more often than not simply annoyed as a few drunken kids bounce off it.

before anybody asks -- yes, we did manage to knock over a cow. no, it wasn't nearly as funny as we thought it would be; however, i do recall we laughed our collective asses off the entire way back. not that we wouldn't have either way.

p.s. despite partying with you guys -- the hoakies still suck! :-)

Posted by ac at 09:33 PM | Comment

December 23, 2004

Yahoo For Privacy

i've read a number of accounts where people are up in arms about yahoo not giving a family access to their deceased son's yahoo mail account [story]. i can understand the family being disappointed and in their grief not getting it, but there are two sides to privacy when it comes to communications like email. sure, their son is gone (a fallen soldier no less), but the people he communicated with are presumably still alive and they still have a right to privacy don't you think?

perhaps this soldier's girlfriend sent him some steamy email or went all out and sent naked pictures of herself. the mail was sent to him for him. for yahoo or anyone else to demand she lose her right to privacy because he died is simply pushing us all to the edge of yet another slippery slope. we are not even talking about his email as being potential evidence in a wrongful death, it is simply a family that is curious and wants to have a peek at perhaps some of his last thoughts. they are grasping at straws looking for anything to help them deal with their grief and provide closure. i don't fault them for wanting access, but i do take issue with them for demanding it -- for fighting against something their son fought and died for in a strange kind of way.

it is sad how so many people are willing to give away the privacy of others.

Posted by ac at 08:18 PM | Comment

Holidays Without Hockey

so i don't renew my season tickets and poof, there goes the nhl season. it is very strange not having the ducks or kings in town for a game after christmas or wondering whether it is worth trying to catch a game down at staples or the pond when there for a disney or winterfest tourney. nope, none of that this season. but it does bring out some creativity. on the sharks mailing list, silent m sent out the following parody i think even non-hockey fans can enjoy.

Twas the night before Christmas
But in NHL towns
Not a skater was stirring
The fans all wore frowns.

The arenas were empty
As were restaurants and bars
All the Texans in Dallas
Were not seeing Stars.

The Flames were extinguished
There was no sign of a King
The Ducks had flown south
Without help from the Red Wings.

Blue Jackets were around
Just to keep out the cold
And Coyotes had deserted
The desert, we're told.

The Canucks had all vanished
The Avalanche had crashed
The Blues had no clues
And the Thrashers were thrashed.

The Oilers had slipped
By the Blackhawks and Preds
While visions of Devils
Only danced in Islanders' heads.

The Lightening had struck
The Leafs had all blown
The Hurricanes were gone
The Flyers had flown.

Extinct were the Panthers
The Penguins and Bruins
The Habs were Hab-nots
The Sens were in ruins.

The Sabres were rattled
The Rangers still stank
And the saddest for us
There were no Sharks in the Tank.

"Who's responsible for this?"
Santa cried with a howl
And most people pointed
to Bob Goodenow.

But don't forget Bettman
He's the one with the key
But they won't talk to each other
So how can they agree?

"This certainly is stupid
Not seeing them talking
Perhaps I should bring each
Some brains for their stockings."

And with that being said
Santa shook his bald dome
"With no hockey to watch
I guess I'll go home."

So he climbed in his sleigh
And in a voice that did carry
Yelled "Merry Christmas to all
Except Bob and Gary."

Posted by ac at 11:33 AM | Comment

December 22, 2004

Alignment and Diving

i really do try and avoid taking yet another quiz, but just when i think i'm out, they pull me back in. heh. yeah, yeah... and then there are the flash games like the new penguin diving where i got a score of 29.4 of 30.0. what's next, a meme?

You scored as Chaotic Good. A Chaotic Good person is someone who has little intrinsic respect for laws or authority, seeing them as insufficient to sustain what's right. These people work according to their own moral compass which, while good, is not necessarily always aligned with that of society. Despite their chaotic tendancies, these people are good at heart.

Chaotic Good


Lawful Good


True Neutral


Lawful Evil


Chaotic Neutral


Neutral Evil


Neutral Good


Chaotic Evil


Lawful Neutral


What is your Alignment?
created with
Posted by ac at 12:38 PM | Comment

Quote Of The Day

it is always easier to believe than to deny. our minds are naturally affirmative.
--john burroughs

Posted by ac at 11:43 AM | Comment

December 18, 2004

Word Association, Week 99

it is word association time again. i am a bit disappointed gretzky wasn't one of the words... being this is week #99 and all.

  1. Perfect Gift:: time machine
  2. Santa:: ana
  3. Lucy:: in the sky with diamonds
  4. Buckets:: wholly
  5. Recital:: dance
  6. Stamp:: 37 cent
  7. Teacher:: student
  8. Matchbox:: twenty
  9. Spit:: in your general direction
  10. Feeling:: tired

Posted by ac at 11:42 PM | Comments (1)

December 17, 2004

Friday Night Movie Review

my pace for watching movies has slowed considerably over the last few months, but thankfully since my last reviews i've seen fewer bad movies. that balances things out a bit i suppose.

a day without a mexican gets 1 out of 5.
i first heard about this movie while listening to fresh air on kqed. the basic premise behind the movie is showing the impact mexican-americans make on the california economy. it is considerable to say the least, but sadly the movie tried to keep to too much of a story -- straddling the fence between documentary and entertaining movie and fell squarely on it's kahonas. i still like the premise thought.

sleepover gets 3 of 5.
maybe it was my low expectations, but i was pleasantly surprised with this one. it took me a while to realize the lead actress (alexa vega) was the little girl from spy kids and my has she grown into a stunning young woman. i am probably not the first to say it, but she could easily be the next liz taylor. the story revolves around the idea of 3 girls having a sleepover and competing with the "popular" girls in a scavenger hunt. the stakes are of course high from the perspective of high school kids. speaking of which, the boy alexa falls for is a dead ringer for a young tom cruise. if he'd have slid across the floor in socks and briefs, they would have had to call the movie risky business.

don juan demarco gets 4 of 5.
another find job by johnny depp playing a someone insane character. the film features depp playing a man that believes he is don juan and is being evaluated by a psychologist played by marlon brando. this flick has many levels to enjoy including a subtle, yet critical twist at the end. why not?

the chronicles of riddick also gets 4 of 5.
vin diesel is back in a role that suits him -- prisoner at large saves world. plenty of action and is the sequel to pitch black which ironically i have not seen. the effects were pretty good and the dvd showed how a lot of them were done. if you haven't seen it... rent it.

the terminal gets weak 3 of 5.
if this wasn't a beautifully acted movie, it would definitely have gotten a 2. hanks plays a fellow that flys into the us and because of problems that just arose in his home country is stuck at the airport. he can't legally leave as his passport is not valid and he can't go back. tom hanks does an awesome job, but after the cuter moments pass you're looking at the clock wondering when it will be over.

garfield, the movie gets 3 out of 5.
it is one long garfield comic strip and if you are ok with that, this is a fine movie. if you don't like that sort of humor, you had best move on. definitely a film to entertain the kids.

Made -- 1 of 5.
ok, maybe 2 since the mob is involved. the cover, the description, it all looked so promising. i wasn't expecting the godfather or even a episode of the sopranos, just a good mob-flick and boy was i disappointed. funny thing is, that movie probably depicts how it really works -- if they existed of course.

bridget jones's diary is 2 of 5 in my book.
this movie wasn't on my want to see list, but at least i now know why. it was definitely a proverbial chick flick, but wasn't even a good one. i think that is all i'll say in my effort to put this one out of mind.

national lampoon's van wilder is 4 of 5.
definitely along the lines of an animal house. van wilder is in his 7th year at college and finds himself in quite a pickle. plenty of hijinx and goofy things to laugh at -- be sure to keep you eyes on the background as well.

spider-man 2 3 of 5.
it was a sequel. 'nuf said. well, except that kirsten dunst is still looking good -- you go peter parker!

saving private ryan gets 5 of 5
why i waited so long to see this movie i will never know. you get your share of blood and guts coupled with a good story. tom hanks shows why he is one of the best actors in hollywood and his supporting cast carrys their weight as well. this is an instant war movie classic.

hero gets 4.5 out of 5
i watched the first 20 minutes in mandarin with sub-titles until i got so frustrated trying to read them. the settings for the movie were just awesome -- just too much to see and read sub-titles. the dvd defaults to this, but thankfully there is an english soundtrack allowing me to enjoy the rest of the movie. this movie was top-notch all the way with lots of hidden meanings, subtle use of color and costuming and a story to tie it all together.

dodgeball is 3 out of 5.
we all loved the game, now see the movie. it loses one point simply because it has ben stiller, though the movie's creative use of wrenches almost got him that one back. however, the story was far too predictable, albeit funny. definitely a good comedy to kick back and watch with friends and family.

the bourne supremacy earns 3 of 5.
i do not recommend this movie if you get motion sick -- some of the shots definitely get things moving. as far as sequels go, this one was good. bourne has to find out more about his past and avenge his girlfriends death. good guys aren't always good guys as you'd guess so he is forced to use all his super secret spy-guy tricks to meet the objectives. and that is what he was meant to do.

that's all folks.

Posted by ac at 11:54 PM | Comment

December 16, 2004

Jewel Quest

   this evening was met with a good round of jewel quest to keep things quiet. my top score for the night was 51,910. a pretty good score if i do say so myself and the proof is over to the left. click on the image to get a better view.

Posted by ac at 11:59 PM | Comment

December 15, 2004

Beyond Mend

strange how words sometimes spill out of the mind, slowly running down your skin where the coldness of reality allows you to feel them for the first time. eventually... if you are lucky, they will drip from your fingertips where they can be shared, albeit not understood.

from the depths of memory, the light of my mind grows cold. its ground trodden and black, unloading griefs upon my feet as if i were some messiah with the power to heal. left unmoored the mind is so capable of wound.

often i simply cannot see where there is to get to anymore.
i have fallen a long way. too far perhaps.
beyond mend.

Posted by ac at 09:20 PM | Comment

Not A Starry Night

we all see things differently. two people can look at the same photo and see different things. two people can be at the same place at the same time and come away with completely different accounts for that moment. funny how that works.

anybody that knows me knows that i really enjoy looking at pictures, be them photographs or digital art, all of which makes flickr an achilles heal for productivity sometimes. sadly, i just noticed there is the idea of marking a pictures as a favorite and the image shown here is the first i have placed on that list. not that there weren't others i've liked as much or more.

update: oddly, the page this picture was on went from public to private so it dropped off my favorites, but my image links seem to have remained. go figure.

Posted by ac at 03:35 PM | Comments (2)

December 13, 2004

Quote Of The Day

just leaves me going ... "hmmmmm".

If only we'd stop trying to be happy we'd have a pretty good time.
-- Edith Wharton

Posted by ac at 12:08 PM | Comment

December 12, 2004

Word Association, Week 98

i think i'm addicted to word association.

  1. Plot:: thickens
  2. Farce:: c
  3. Unexpected:: results
  4. Siren:: 's song
  5. Ben:: franklin
  6. Freshman:: sophomore
  7. Quicksand:: finger eleven
  8. 24 hours:: to live
  9. Spunky:: spirited
  10. Vicious:: circle
Posted by ac at 12:06 PM | Comment

December 10, 2004

What's That Song

now that is what i call a quiz! whats that song plays 30-second clips of songs and gives you four choices to ... dare i say it... name that tune. of course i went 10-for-10 on nirvana and finger eleven, but sadly i didn't do so well (6/10) on ottmar liebert (who btw has photos on flickr too). guess i need to queue up some more flamenco and pay more attention to the titles.

Posted by ac at 08:18 PM | Comment

December 09, 2004


i have finally created a flickr photostream. at some point i will probably integrate it better in this blog. or not. for the time, the link is over on the right.

Posted by ac at 11:09 PM | Comment

Not A Hero

looks like the hero machine is making it's rounds. i perfer to think of the version of me i made as being what i would look like if i had barry bond's trainer or went on the jason giambi diet. heh.

there is way too much dead space here. i must fill it with something! links!, that's the ticket.

  • i prefer to think of it as karma, but this woman winning the california lottery almost makes you want to believe.
  • i've read about problems on the operating room table, but this is crazy. and for a simple mole removal. *gasp*
  • thunderbird 1.0 has been released.
  • flickr -- everyone likes flickr. now that i have a phone with a camera and have unlimited access with edge, i'm going to have to make a gallery.
  • speaking of mobile phones, here are some card to hand out to those that talk loudly on their cells.

that is all. move along now. go on. go. shoo!
Posted by ac at 04:44 PM | Comment

December 08, 2004

I Can Write 55

kate's journal has a contest going on to write stories using 55 words or less. whatever story is chosen gets a copy of her new book and a pair of bosnian socks. i'm such a sucker for entering these sort of things.

Posted by ac at 04:56 PM | Comments (1)

Giftmas is upon us

all i want for christmas is my two front teeth, my two front teeth, ... heh.

i would certainly like a few things under the tree mostly so i don't feel out of place, but all in all i want very little. ok... i want a lot, but factoring out miracles, below you will find my list.

see, i'm capable of realistic desires. not that i would turn down life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, or world peace.

Posted by ac at 12:55 PM | Comment

360 Visits and Lennon

john lennon died 24 years ago (1980.12.08) and danny makes available a qtvr panorama of the famous strawberry fields memorial. this whole seeing 360 degrees is very cool. after the pictures load, it is almost like being there. warning, the link of the qtvr off the above linked post will resize your browser which is a bit annoying, but given the results, all was forgiven. i'm making note of his site so i can see some other cool places sometime.

Posted by ac at 10:39 AM | Comment

Oy is Yo spelled backwards

i'm a big fan of parody and creativity, and eric schwartz has certainly taken advantage of both in his flash music video "hannukah", a parody of outkast's "hey ya". a must see!

Posted by ac at 10:14 AM | Comment

December 06, 2004

Monday Poetry Reading

i think i mentioned this meme i found last week called monday poetry reading where participants make a recording of themselves reading a poem. it's different, so i figured why not give it a whirl.

A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits.
-- Robert Heinlein

from my november 16th post entitled

found this quiz over at i'd like to fly and couldn't resist taking it.

You are 63% geek
You are a geek. Good for you! Considering the endless complexity of the universe, as well as whatever discipline you happen to be most interested in, you'll never be bored as long as you have a good book store, a net connection, and thousands of dollars worth of expensive equipment. Assuming you're a technical geek, you'll be able to afford it, too. If you're not a technical geek, you're geek enough to mate with a technical geek and thereby get the needed dough. Dating tip: Don't date a geek of the same persuasion as you. You'll constantly try to out-geek the other.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at

Posted by ac at 01:03 PM | Comment

December 05, 2004

Word Association, Week 97

it is time for word association again. yay! it is not nearly as tough as moot: the world's toughest language game.

  1. Delightful:: pleasant
  2. Impact:: impression
  3. Consolation:: loan
  4. Donation:: contribution
  5. Blue moon:: detective agency
  6. Grinner:: picker
  7. Smoker:: midnight toker
  8. Muse:: xanadu
  9. Tweet:: y
  10. Guitar:: accoustic

Posted by ac at 12:09 AM | Comment

December 02, 2004

Kottke Caught Blogging

as i saw this developing, i honestly expected to see more of an uproar, but alas only a couple sites in my rss feeds have picked up on it (e.g. boingboing's coverage) and even jason's recent article on the matter has a mere 19 trackbacks.

personally, i am very disappointed in sony and am keeping their actions in mind this holiday season when it comes to making purchases. that's a shame, they make some quality products, but i would rather not support a company that behaves in this manner.

Posted by ac at 05:03 PM | Comment

Et Tu QuizFarm?

i guess today is a quiz-y kinda day... so i took the religion quiz when i stumbled across it. honestly, i was expecting it to assign me to some dead religion or perhaps put me in the atheist/agnostic category where i essentially belong. think again.

You scored as Jewish. You are a Jew. You understand that there is something basically missing in the teachings of religion and so-called "spirituality" today. The continuity in time and dedication of the Jewish faith make the most sense to you. You may be drawn to Judaeism out of a jaded opinion of the world today, but hey, it can't be a bad thing to be one the chosen people.













created with

Posted by ac at 04:43 PM | Comments (1)

Driven By Sexuality?

so as i nibble on my lunch today, i ran across tickle's ink blot quiz and figured i would give it a whirl. the results were quite shocking to me.

The world is a sexy place for you — your erotic self leads the way. Whether this is because you're presently in a great physical relationship or simply want one, you are much more aware of the sexual undertones in situations than most people.

This heightened focus, coupled with your vivid imagination, can make you more likely to have original — at times risqué — interpretations of things that other people might see as innocuous.

Your subconscious is telling you that you are very much alive, and have a great deal of passion to bring to life.
i am particularly surprised because when showed ink blots and asked if i saw anything sexual in them, i didn't. there was only one which to me clearly looked like a woman's body, but that was it. geez, now i feel like a perv or something.

Posted by ac at 01:37 PM | Comments (2)

December 01, 2004

Distracting Me

these days i get pretty easily distracted. i find myself throughout the day thinking to myself focus, focus with little results to show for it. i don't mind so much when a good thought comes to mind and i can jot it down for later reflection. i don't know, perhaps i have just hit a lazy period in my life where motivations are few and far between.

on the bright side, i stumbled across an interesting meme called monday poetry reading which my interest in it i suppose cements the idea that i've crossed the great divide and have actually become californian. there will be no sprouts in my future and meat will remain in my diet, so i guess it will have to remain an honorary position at best. aside from this meme, a number of other things have caught my eye, many far more interesting than this for sure.

  • first a fun one... road rage cards. a perfect stocking stuffer if you ask me. this is a gift that can keep giving all year long.
  • english prime means english without the verb "to be" or any of its forms. follow the link to learn the whys. pretty interesting. oh, they include a web form you can copy/paste text into to check for conformance. heh.
  • did you know that you are entitled to a free credit report every 12 months? i didn't. you can go to to get yours. i didn't make it a link because they don't seem to accept click throughs with referrers. weird. this was apparentely announced a year ago, but eligibility began today for the western united states.
  • statistically optimal music is not just music to a geeks ears. brian whitman, maker of eigenradio, just released music for the christmas holiday season. it reminds me of something philip glass might produce.
  • speaking of the upcoming holiday, via jwz came a link to a nicely put piece on evolution and faith.
    Our world is being driven further and further into irrationality by people who cannot reconcile their faith with reality, and therefore decide that it is reality which is lacking.
  • so now go take the chakra test. lol. my results and what they mean. *snicker*
    Root:	under-active	(-44%)
    Sacral:	under-active	(-31%)
    Navel:	under-active	(-31%)
    Heart:	under-active	(-50%)
    Throat:	under-active	(-38%)
    Third Eye:	open	(38%)
    Crown:	open	(0%)
  • monet i'm not, but i still find it fun to play with these sort of apps like artPad from results below.

Posted by ac at 03:00 PM | Comment